Coral Avenue Magazine Interview
A quick glance into a recent interview with Coral Avenue Magazine (excuse the angry face lol):
What was the earliest memory that you recall which was the defining moment that you knew you wanted to make your own rules and build businesses?
I would say the first memory I have is when I moved to San Diego and I had to take a W2 job working for someone, and the manager continuously made poor mistakes. I would bring ideas to the table that were immediately dismissed. From there I knew I needed to build a business and create an opportunity for myself.
How do you find balance between business and personal life; do they mesh together or do they seamlessly coincide?
I think for me and I think everyone is a little bit different - Some people compartmentalize it. However, I believe that the entrepreneurial journey is one in which it’s yourself, your professional, and your family. It’s a lifestyle. You’re going to balance your health with your alert and energy to activities that I believe make an entrepreneur. It’s a 24/7 job.
After achieving the heights that you have in business, what is your key driving factor that makes you want to continue to evolve, test boundaries, and push industries like escrow, forward?
I love the challenge of leading people and seeing greatness when they sometimes don’t see greatness in themselves. With respect to innovation, I believe that for me, in an industry that typically doesn’t see a lot of that level of strategy, I believe that innovation keeps me motivated and excited, so I do believe that they go hand in hand. The leadership and innovation fill me up, and provide an enthusiasm and energy to continue to push the business forward.
Lastly, what is one word that is sparking your interest lately and give us one reason why, or what this word means to you in your business and personal life?
So that word is very simple; Curiosity. I believe that we are in a time where people will decide something and dig their heels in and don’t want to hear any other varying opinions, so I like to take subjects and ask a lot of different questions around it. I want to continue to have a position, be firm and strong, until data, evidence or otherwise moves me in another direction. So I think there’s a difference in being flexible and indifferent, and the word curiosity to me means that you firmly believe something until you’ve asked enough questions and have enough data to move you off of that opinion, but not being so stubborn and so hardheaded that you can’t change your view point.